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Dr. Heba Tullah M. Magdy
Heba studied medicine because she believed she can help people. She believed she can make their life better by easing their pain. She chose dermatology as her specialty because she believes the skin is the mirror for inner beauty. She likes teamworking. She is cooperative, easy going, persistent & ambitious. She loves music, sports & dancing.
Work summary:
February 2013-Now
Assistant Lecturer of Dermatology, Andrology & Venereology at Ain Shams University Hospitals
June 2009-June 2012
Resident of Dermatology, Andrology & Venereology at Ain Shams University Hospitals
March 2008-March2009
Houseofficer at Ain Shams University Hospitals
2009-2012 Ain Shams University Cairo Egypt-Masters of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology
2000-2007 Ain Shams University Cairo Egypt -MBBCH (Bachleor of Medicine and Surgery) & now preparing MD